Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Joseph’s Brother’s Confession of Sin and Willingness to Sacrifice. - Genesis 44

Click here to read Genesis 44

We assume that Joseph returned the brother's silver the first time. This time the text states it explicitly.

Joseph puts his cup in Benjamin's sack, and then sends someone in pursuit of them to accuse them of stealing it.

The brother's unknowingly condemn their own brother, just as Jacob had condemned Rachel with his words before Laban when he didn't know she was in possession of Laban's stolen idols. Benjamin is Rachel's son.

Benjamin being condemned to slavery in Egypt is a reconstruction of what the brothers did to Joseph.

The brothers do not abandon their brother. They return to Egypt with Benjamin, in grief.

The brothers bow before Joseph again. His dreams are being fulfilled.

Judah speaks for the group. He has certainly become the leader and a humble and giving one at this point as well.

Judah, the older brother, is willing to trade his life in payment for the freedom of his younger brother. This is a shadow of our older brother Jesus and his sacrificial trade-payment of his life for ours.

Jesus is the great great great (etc.) grandson of Judah, from the line of King David.

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