Thursday, November 17, 2011

God’s Judgment on Violence and Abusive Authority – Genesis 48, 49 and 50 (Conclusions)

Click here to read Genesis 48

Click here to read Genesis 49

The emphasis in these two chapters that is placed on Ephraim and Manasseh receiving the blessing, and the loss of the blessing by Simeon and Levi for their violence and lack of self-control would resonate loudly to the original readers of Genesis. Israel is wandering in the wilderness for a generation, and will take possession of the land of Canaan by force in the next generation. In this story, we see how two brothers who would take land in their own vengeance and for their own purposes are NOT blessed by God.

God's covenants are NOT a war strategy to simply be used to common or natural ends, as Simeon and Levi used circumcision against the Shechemites. Israel is not to take their own vengeance, and is not to be violent outside of God's intention for them and his direct commands. No matter how they may personally feel justified (should our sister be treated as a prostitute?), Israel is to only go as far as God commands, and no further.

God is having his own judgment on the Canaanites. Israel is only his tool. We also see this same spirit in God's future directions that Israel not take any of the spoils for themself. God is the avenger. God gives Canaan into their hands. God gets the spoils.

Click here to read Genesis 50

Genesis 50:19-20
But Joseph said to them, “Don’t be afraid. Am I in the place of God? You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives.

vv19-20 - This statement sums up much of the theme of all of Genesis. Joseph is unwilling to take God's place. He KNOWS who God is. The next verse shows that Joseph puts God in his proper place if true authority. He also KNOWS who he is.

He restrains himself. Though he has been placed in a position of authority over his brothers, he does not assume the licence to use that power.

Relationally, he insists that he and his brothers are equal. God is the only true authority.

v20 - God meant what happened to Joseph for good. Joseph does not judge, because of his faith in God. It is faith in God's work that allows him to be nonjudgmental.

This verse is a thesis for the entire book of Genesis.

Considering the original audience again, we see how this would resonate as the previous chapters resonated with the judgments of Simeon and Levi. They will be given authority by God to take the land of Canaan. But that authority will never be theirs. It will always remain in God's hands. They are only plenipotentiaries. They are ambassadors of the One who is the only king. They should not assume to take the authority for themself, as though it is for them to judge. God alone is sovereign. God alone is judge. To use power or authority outside of God's intention is an abuse of that power. This is oppression and injustice. There is only one legitimate authority, and that is God.

The Israelites are to restrain themselves in their taking of the land of Canaan. Though the narrative is ruthless in the battles of Joshua and Judges, it is God's wrath, not the wrath of the Israelites that should be seen.

Later in the Torah, we see Moses judged harshly by God for walking in authority that had not been given him. He struck a rock when God told him to speak to it. When water comes out, he takes credit for what God does. For this, Moses is denied entrance to the Promised Land. The severity of his punishment shows how seriously God's authority (and no other) should be taken.

The kings of Israel take a lesson from Joseph and Genesis here. The descendants of Judah are representatives of God, and are to act in a way that reflects his authority. Their kingship shows the people what his kingship is like. When they abused their power, they marred the image of God the king that they were to reflect.

Finally, vv19-20 bring us all the way back to Genesis chapter 3 and the fall.

We are not to eat of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. The power of judgment is not in our hands. God alone is judge. God alone is the Master Avenger. The same judge who will enact justice upon those we believe are our enemies will also judge us without partiality. We live in humility and submission to the one and only authority, and we will not raise his sceptre ourselves.

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