Friday, January 15, 2010

The day happy news becomes internet-public!

We're going to have a baby!

Kate and I are both very, very happy.

We first found out, well, basically as soon as we physically could, at the beginning of November. We shared with our Monk Punk home and family first. All parties were very excited as well. This baby will be happily anticipated.

We tried to keep it a secret until after the first trimester, but it leaked out slowly. We've been public for a couple of weeks now, but still wanted to wait before posting online.


The baby is due on July 21st.

Kate is 13 weeks pregnant, which means she isn't feeling sick anymore.

People have been very supportive. Our house is already filling with essential baby things, which reminds us daily of the beautiful community of friends we have.

Our first ultrasound will be the middle of February, and we do hope to find out the gender. I'll let you know.

We hope to continue living in community and sharing in the awesome church and activist groups we belong to.


1 comment:

  1. Congrats on the pregnancy! You don't know me, but I think you know a couple of my friends. God just led me here right now, even though I am on a bit of an internet fast at the moment, and maybe it's weird, but I think my family and I need to come and meet you guys sometime. We live in Calgary. My email address is if you think it might work out...
